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March 16, 2005



Let the guy go, kill him, I don't care. I just want to quit hearing about it every where.


You know, this case alone is enough to convince me that humans are incapable of the competence it would require to be able to ethically impose any sentence of deth.


I can't get past the irony of the guy's last name. I hadn't heard about this until just now so possibly everyone else got over the irony months ago.


One might care what happened to Jim Slaughter, but think of countless others that will be legally murdered unless we stop the death penalty and/or let the accused present all evidence that might prove his/her innocence. Jim was my cousin and I know the kind of person he was as a child and as an adult. He was very intelligent and he saw things in a little different light than most, but I don't believe he murdered his own child because of a few dolllars a month in child support.



I'm sorry about the loss of your cousin. Our prayers are with you. For myself, I will continue to speak out and write against the death penalty. It's a barbaric practice that needs to be stopped. Thank you for stopping by the blog. Grace and peace.

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